– the rebirth


each flower has a an associative symbolism


“associative symbolism” means that man associated a particular flower to particular meaning


for example: tulip = symbol of love


however, there is also the “evocative symbolism”
or a symbolism that has not been decided
by man, but by nature


it’s the same for everyone
for all human beings the symbolism is the same, because it recalls the same identical feeling for all of us



for example: skull = death
and today I’m here to tell you: YES, an evocative symbolism for flowers is possible


all flowers, I mean, without distinctions of race, genus, group, subgroup, color, size, characteristics


no no
all flowers

and guess what it is?

the rebirth, obviously ^_^

flowers are the first sign that the plants give us when they restart their life cycle


when the plant is alive and well, and in its maximum splendor, it throws out flowers to let us know that it feels great


and shouts it out loud, with thousands of shiny colors and captivating smells

“here I am, can you see me? I went back shining,
after yet another winter, here I am, brighter than before”


a new cycle of creation and magnificence has begun
 that moment of splendor
and rebirth has begun
 after being in silence to plan, to destroy itself in order to restart


most flowers bloom in spring
there are some flowers that come first and bloom, I would say, almost at the end of winter


it’s a wake-up call that good weather is coming


these are shy but full of love flowers, such as violets, daffodils, lily of the valley…

then we see strong flowers that bloom in early spring and ring the big bells, such as the rose, the jasmine, the tulip…



then bold flowers come, full of grit and vigor, and they bloom in late spring, even in summer, such as poppy, magnolia, lavender


and then we have anarchist flowers,
that bloom in winter and don’t give a shit if everyone else
bloom in summer,
they like to bloom in winter and that’s what they do, full stop.




like snowdrops, hellebores, edelweiss


this is already an associative symbolism, but it also give you an extra cue to choose the type of flower that most represents the message you want to send

to you, or to others



with love, but always irriverent